August 19, 2015 at 6:53 am CDT

It’s hip to be leaving these days. But it’s especially hip to be broken up about it and then share that heartbreak with the world. I first started to notice the “why I’m leaving” posts with this one that was shared by several of my friends earlier this year. The writer posts that after a long winter and after seeing many other friends leave, she’s considering moving out of Chicago . She did a detailed survey of her friends who were leaving and created a great, opinionated and data-filled post.*

But then I started to see other posts along this – I hesitate to use the word ‘meme’ – theme. There was the post from a woman sad to leave the South . “I’ve come to the painful decision that in order to preserve my life, I must leave the land that I love.” Or a guy who was moving west from Indianapolis to find a city more in line with his political leanings: “It’s at once exhausting and exhilarating, to be from Indianapolis,” he wrote. Or the guy moving a business to St. Louis from San Francisco. There’s even a Tumblr about “Things I won’t miss about Portland.”

What struck me is that everyone was upset to be leaving, but more upset at the idea of staying for whatever reason. Many hadn’t figured out where they were going next but just knew that they had to get out.

That strikes me as sad, if not unique. With all but a few examples moving should be exciting in a good way. Like travel, it should be about the destination, not about where you left. Sure, it’s OK to feel a little bittersweet – after all, you’ve called your current home “home.” There’s often an inevitable attachment to your current place. But moving should open possibilities. Moving should be about bigger and better, or maybe smaller and more manageable. Moving should be about be about the future.

I’d like to see more posts about “Why I’m coming to ____” I’d like to see more people explaining why they’re eager to be joining a community instead of listing a litany of reasons why they’re over their current one.

How did you come to pick your new place? What makes you think it’s going to be better or at least different?

Clearly, these are issues we care about here at Livability. Through our data-driven city pages, our monthly lists and rankings, and our daily stories we try to give you all the ammunition you need to make that relocation choice and be thrilled about it.

Let us know how you found your place. We’ll happily help you shout it from the rooftops. And stay tuned for a new series of stories debuting later this month. Livability is moving in new directions, too and you’d better believe we’re looking forward to telling you all about it.

* By the way, she didn’t leave Chicago.

This was originally posted on, home of the Top 100 Best Places to Live rankings. Copyright Journal Communications Inc. Reprinted with permission.